martes, 12 de mayo de 2020



The immediate postnatal stage is important, it is one of the most delicate stages where the human being will acquire a series of knowledge and skills; Among the main ones, the most important is to stick the baby to the breast immediately after birth. Both breastfeeding and artificial children are natural moments to form and strengthen the bond with the baby. Babies responded to their mothers 'smell and touch, as well as both parents' receptivity to their needs. But, it is essential to understand that according to the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that "all infants should be fed exclusively by the mother's breast during the first six months of age and crucially important for every human being to include complementary feeding as the preventive intervention with the greatest impact on child survival, growth and development.

On the other hand it is important to know that the baby when it was in the womb was protected from the external environment; it happens that when they go out into the environment they try to adapt to the environment, not that the environment adapts to them; they are transforming and making their organs develop as the months go by

 Building a bond is the intense emotional attachment that develops between parents and their baby. It makes parents want to shower their little one with love and affection, protect and care for them.

Forming an attachment bond with your baby will probably be one of the most pleasurable aspects of your care. You can start by cradling the baby, rocking him on his lap and gently stroking him
Attend prenatal education classes with your partner, not only those for childbirth preparation, but also those that focus on baby care, breastfeeding or any other subject related to the child's first year of life.

tomado de:

Vásquez.E.2012. Guías en nutrición. Recomendaciones para la alimentación del niño durante los primeros 23 meses. Disponible en:

M. Sanchez Luna a, E. Narbona (2009). Asociación de pediatría Española. Recomendaciones para el cuidado y atención del recien nacido sano en el parto y en las primeras horas después del nacimiento. España. Elsevier Doyma. Disponible en:

Desarrollo de un niño de 3 a 6 años.

se visualizara el desarrollo. fisico, cognitivo y psicosocial, en la infancia